
Heat-Treated Pallets, Lumber, Skids, Panels, Crates & Boxes

The International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 (ISPM-15) is part of a treaty recognized by the World Trade Organization that aims to control the spread of bacteria and pests by heat-treating wood shipping products. 

Complying with international shipping regulations, we heat treat all of our wood products—ensuring your wood pallets, lumber, panels, skids, crates, and boxes are sterilized, thoroughly inspected, and marked with our stamp of ISPM-15 compliance. Always expect export-ready packaging when you choose Lakeland Pallets.

What can you expect from our heat-treated products?

New Heat-Treated Pallets

Aesthetically Pleasing
Standard + Custom Pallet Design
Flexible Options
Different Wood Species

ISPM-15 Compliant | Bark Free | Clearly Marked

Used Heat-Treated Pallets

Industry Standard Sizes 
Environmentally Friendly
Recycled, Repaired, & Reliable

ISPM-15 Compliant | Bark Free | Clearly Marked

Heat-Treated Crates & Boxes

Pre-Build Crates & Kit Options Available
Custom Design
Safe & Durable Packaging
Perfect for Domestic & International Shipping

ISPM-15 Compliant | Bark Free | Clearly Marked

Heat-Treated Lumber

Cut to Length
Kit Options
Dunnage Packaging
Kiln Dried
Corner Posts

ISPM-15 Compliant | Bark Free | Clearly Marked

Heat-Treated Skids

Paper Topped

ISPM-15 Compliant | Bark Free | Clearly Marked

Heat-Treated Panel Products

Cost Effective Packaging
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Cut Stock / Kits

ISPM-15 Compliant | Bark Free | Clearly Marked

Get a Quote on Heat-Treated Pallets and Other Wood Packaging Solutions

Because all our wood products are heat-treated and ISPM-15 compliant, you can always expect export-ready packaging. Whether you’re looking for heat-treated pallets, heat-treated lumber, heat-treated boxes, or heat-treated crates, you can find high-quality wood packaging solutions at all three Lakeland Pallets locations in Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois

For a quote on heat-treated products, send us a message online or call a Lakeland location near you.

Closeup of custom-built, heat-treated pallets in a stack.


How can you tell if lumber is heat-treated?

Certified manufacturers of heat-treated lumber stamp their products with the letters “HT” in addition to any other codes or symbols. Lakeland Pallets stamps each heat-treated product with our unique mark of ISPM-15 compliance, which includes our distributor code.

Heat-treated wood is expected to last up to 30 years or more outside because of its resistance to insect damage and decay.

Heat-treating to the IPPC standard kills pests and reduces moisture, making heat-treated pallets less susceptible to rot and other damage.

Once a pallet is properly heat-treated, it won’t require re-treatment unless it undergoes repairs or refurbishment.

Heat-Treated Pallets For Sale Near Me

Offering a full range of products and services as pallet manufacturers, we provide heat-treated wood pallets, lumber, panels, skids, crates, and boxes in the Great Lakes area and throughout Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois, including:

Top quality products, at a competitive price, with unbeatable service. Get all of your wood pallets and packaging solutions in several convenient Lakeland Pallets locations.

Lakeland Pallets, Inc: Tested, Trusted, True.